Get to Know Us: Dani Tabor

How long have you worked for Craig Sole Designs?     5 years.

What is your job here?     I do all the social media posts as well as being the substitute bookkeeper.

What do you do outside of Craig Sole Designs?     I love going on short road trips with my husband and our 3 boys. When at home I stay busy with the schedule of a 10 year old and two 5 year olds, a lot of sports and at home refereeing. I also really enjoy working on our yard and am always updating and designing our little 1950's ranch.

What is your favorite event season?     High school dance season! October and May are two of our busiest months for weddings and it just so happens homecoming and prom fill up these weekends too. So while the designers are usually super busy with wedding flowers I get to help out with making our floral bracelets for high school.

What is your favorite part about working in this industry?     The best part about working in this industry is being surrounded by beautiful flowers! I could be having the worst morning but when I get to the shop, I literally have a fresh start to my day. 

What is your favorite memory of Craig?     When I was little, around 9 or 10, Craig would pick me up in the big van and take me out to "help" set up weddings. While I mostly was schlepping things, I also got to see many brides, stunning wedding flowers, and locations around town I had never been before. Craig taught me a lot about hard work back then and still does today!